Thursday, October 18, 2012


Do you ever wonder what you want for breakfast? Instead of making waffles or pancakes we will make crepes! A French pancake, a pancake, in which you can keep anything you want!
         Food Facts: In the morning, it is important to eat healthy to start of your great day! Store bought waffles and pancakes can contain a lot of sugar and fat, and you cannot keep vegetables on a waffle. But you can keep all the combinations of food, fruits, and vegetables in crepes. You can eat it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or snack! Crepes are an everyday meal, you just need to have the right utensils and ingredients. Let's start cooking!

What You Will Need
  • Two eggs ( depending on number of people )
  •  3/4 cups milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • One cup flour
  • Three tablespoons of melted butter ( if you want to make it healthier, put canola oil, instead of butter )
Steps You'll Need To Take
  1. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and whisk together. Then let the batter sit for ten minutes. Make sure that all the flour is mixed in and wait until it is thick if you want it to be fluffy.
  2. Heat oil on a non- stick pan, then add two or three tablespoons of the batter and let it sizzle until it's golden brown. Swirl the batter, while it is liquid, on the pan for it to be even and big.
  3. After 30 seconds or so, flip the crepe over and let it cook for ten more seconds, then remove from pan. Put it on a plate and continue to make crepes until the batter is done.
  4. Then comes the best part... Layer your pancake with anything you want, fruits, vegetables, meat, etc!
You do not have to keep something on your crepe, you can eat them plain or just layer your crepe with only syrup as long as you are getting the wonderful taste of crepes.
Toppings That You Can Keep

  • fruits ( blueberries, apples, strawberries, etc. )
  • vegetables ( carrots, spinach, tomato, etc. )
  • meat ( chicken, turkey, beef)
  • syrups ( maple syrup, chocolate syrup, etc. )
  • whipped cream, ice cream, yogurt...
Anything you want!
Crepes are healthy but the toppings aren't, you would want breakfast to be fun, so instead of keeping a gallon of chocolate syrup, just keep a little and move onto another topping.

Tip of the Week
Eating healthy is important, especially in the morning, you don't want to be grumpy the rest of the day, nor does any body want to be obese. So get a head start and start eating healthy and work out. Instead of eating unhealthy frozen breakfast meals, start eating cereal, healthy cereals. Some cereals can contain a lot of sugar, make sure you pick the right ones. But you don't always have to eat cereal, there are millions of different breakfasts. Such as crepes, oatmeal, and many more. I start my day with milk and Honey Nut Cheerios and with a side of fruit. 
What do you do?


  1. Check out this weekly menu:
    next week, 10/25: Apple Turnovers
    11/1: Ancient Hot Chocolate
    11/8: Smoothies
    And many more!!!!!!!

  2. Wow! Crepes look so yummy! I will totally eat crepes instead of the unhealthy waffles and pancakes!Thanks for the recipe and instructions! By the way, have you ever ate crepes before?

  3. I love ancient hot chocolate and crepes! I wonder how they would taste together? Also I usually drink a glass of milk and a sandwich for breakfast.
