Thursday, October 11, 2012

English Muffin Pizza

Do you ever buy pizza and it turns out to be either too cheesy or flavorless or too spicy? Cheesy is not healthy nor is it fun to deal with a sticky mess. Flavorless cannot be tasty and most likely it cannot be healthy. Too spicy is not good for your stomach, so  I will teach you how to make healthy easy homemade pizza!
Facts: Store bought dough can contain a lot of yeast, that is hard to unfold, this is why we will use a different bread. Pizza that is bought can also be unhealthy by the lack of tomato sauce. Here's the recipe!

What You'll Need

  • Mozzarella cheese, shredded or a whole block of cheese, it's your choice ( skim milk )
  • English muffins ( cut each one in half )
  • Toppings of your choice ( cut them into small pieces ) ( toppings such as red peppers, green peppers, onions, anything )
  • Tomato sauce
  • Italian seasoning
Steps You'll Need To Take

  1. First mix the Italian seasoning in the sauce, shred your cheese, and cut each English muffin in half.
  2.  Preheat your oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
  3. Then begin to layer your muffin, first keep the sauce, then the shredded cheese and your favorite toppings.
  4. Keep tin foil on the oven plate and apply oil before putting your slices on, when that is done, keep it in the oven for 30-40 minutes depending on batch size.
  5. Wait for the vegetables or cheese to darken or for the cheese to bubble in the oven.
  6. Lastly, take the plate out of the oven and wait for it to get cooler.
ENJOY!!!!!                                                English Muffin Pizza
 This new recipe will become your favorite one, instead of once in a while, it will be a weekly dinner for you and your family. It's also healthy so why wait, go to the store and get the ingredients and start  the oven! If you like your pizza spicy I recommend you to put pepper flakes on top. Serve it warm with  a side of a cool drink!
Have fun!!!!

Tip of the Week
Today we made pizza, but wouldn't you want a cool drink. I know a  fun drink mix. First get out all your favorite juices. Pick up your one favorite and pour half the glass. Then pour a little more of another drink, keep on layering your glass until you reach the edge of your glass.  Make sure you don't spill anything, balance is a big thing in cooking. Hope you liked these recipes!
What are your cool combinations of juice or the topping? How did you like the recipe? 


  1. As someone who has had Maansi's yummilicious pizzas, I can vouch for the fact that they are awesome.
    They go best with her homemade lemonade - a recipe for a future post !

  2. Maansi I would love to try the pizza you are describing in this post! Anytime you would like to bring it in for lunch I wouldn't mind trying it! Good job on the post, I am looking forward to the next recipe!

    Mr Poole

  3. So Maansi...when are you going to invite me over? Also make sure to put extra mozzarella on the pizza. (: - Jade

  4. Cool! Or should I say cheesy! I really like english muffin pizza, have you ever tried it before? While I was reading the intructions my mouth was watering because of your very fine details!

    1. Well nevermind about the have you ever tried the pizza, the comment just popped up.

  5. 30-40 mins seems like a long time. I usually bake them about 10-12 mins.
