Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oatmeal Cookies

Are you ever wondering when your or someone else's birthday is coming up, or any other special occasion, "what should I do for his/her birthday?" Instead of making a cake or any other type cake, I will teach you how to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! A healthy mix of nutrition and taste, for the entire family to share. 

          FACTS: When you go into the store and see a box of cookies, don't always assume that they are healthy. They can contain lots of fat calories. This is why I will teach you how to make oatmeal cookies, just the number of cookies you want and the sweetness you like. Most of the store- bought brands usually contain a lot of sugar and are sweeter than they claim. So here's the recipe:  

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
What you will need

  • Betty Crocker Cookie Mix
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup canola oil, instead of butter, oil makes the cookies healthier
  • 1 or 2 tbsp of water
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees farenheit.
  2. First combine the cookie mix and egg together
  3. Then, mix the 1 cup of canola oil.
  4. If your dough is too dry, add a little water.
  5. Put your cookies in the preheated oven, set them for 10-12 minutes.
Last, but not least... Serve warm, and enjoy!!!!!
I recommend you to pour a cup of cold milk, or with low fat vanilla ice cream. 

Tip of the Week
When cooking, always make sure to know what you are doing. Accidents can happen, you can keep sugar instead of salt, you can overcook  a vegetable or something inside the oven, you can burn your hand, and there are other dangerous things that can happen, so concentrate when you are in the kitchen. I hope you enjoyed this recipe, next time you will see the daily meals of France.
What did you like about this recipe? Too hard or easy peezie? What did you think?


  1. Love the recipe !!

    Can you please make these cookies and invite me over?? I'll get the milk !

  2. awesome post! come to my blog @ artmadness11.blogspot.com and take the poll
