Thursday, November 15, 2012

Berry Blast Smoothie

   Since this week's weather is better than the average November season, we will be making fun, fruity smoothies. A smoothie is basically a combination of different fruits and yogurt, that is put into a blender, and it gets mixed around, until it is a fruity liquid.                                
        Sugar is not needed because fresh, natural fruits make up their own sweetness. Sugar also makes it a little unhealthy, you do not want to be sucking down a sugar-filled smoothie. This is why we will learnt how to make smoothies, with different combinations.
What You Will Need For a Berry Blast Smoothie

  • All your favorite berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.
  • Yogurt, ( not flavored )
  • One teaspoon sugar,( depending on how many people )
  • Lemon, ( or lime )

Steps You'll Need To Take

  1. First of all, you will need to cut of the fruits' inedible ( such as, strawberries, you should cut their leaves off.)
  2. Then put all the berries into the blender and squeeze lemon juice into the blender and mix, until the fruits are properly liquefied.
  3. Third, add four spoons of yogurt ( depending on how many people consuming ) and add one or two spoons of sugar.
  4. Blend and serve and .... ENJOY!
    Be sure to add leftover berries on top of the smoothies- as it is done on the picture on top-to make it look that is is done by a professional, anyways, it is also healthy to put fruits on top it is make it healthy and yummy.
How did you like this recipe? Do you have different berry combinations?

         Tip of the Week
Fruits and vegetables are healthy containing many fibers and vitamins, there are many ways to make a healthy choice and have fruits for snack, instead of a bag of chips, it is better to have a carrot instead of a stack of cupcakes. Making a healthy choice changes people, from obesity to lean, from lazy to active. It is not only healthy, it is also yummy. So eat healthy and stay active, even in Winter.
See You Next Week!!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! This smoothie seems very tasty! Have you ever made this before? Please reply.
